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Mental wellbeing is not a one-size fits all approach.
MAPs offers Online Mindfulness Programs customized for specific professions and populations delivered through self-paced learning modules.

Mindfulness for Educators

it's time to give energy and attention to you.

not solely your students.

You as an Educator are stressed.
And why wouldn't you be?

With mounting demands in and out of the classroom, educators are underpaid and overworked which can lead to teacher burnout.

With the pressures of deadlines, test scores, undertaking responsibilities that fall in the parenting domain, and a new "normal" that physical harm is an ever-present danger in the school environment...

A staggering 44%* of all teachers leave the profession within 5 years of entering the workplace due to overwhelming stress.

You are constantly expected to bring in the latest and greatest experiences for your students, but what about enhancing your experience? What about your continuing education?

*2015-2016 National Teacher Principal Survey

Mindful Awareness Practices (MAPs) for Educators was developed because you give so much to others, now it's time to give to YOU.

Mindfulness for Educators
The New, Enthusiastic
You're passionate about impacting your students' lives. Yet you can't help but notice a pattern of stressed-out teachers.
Teacher Burnout
The Educator on the Brink of Burnout
You're starting to notice a decline in your social and emotional health inside and outside the classroom.
Teacher stress
The Exhausted, Longtime Educator
You've reached your breaking point and recognize the need to change things.
What is MAPs for Educators?

Mindfulness for Educators, taught by Educators

A holistic approach to stress management for teachers. Our 12 module online program is specifically designed for K-12 educators, emphasizing mindfulness for teachers and others within the field of education.

Our courses are rooted in Mindfulness, Positive Psychology, and Self-Compassion.

You will learn how to create sustainable rituals for self-care, cultivate resilience, and explore various Mindful Awareness Practices.

This is not another thing you have to do for your classroom. This is for YOU.

Woman in yoga pose

What Will I Learn?

Approximately 12 hours of video content and practice exercises covering the following topics:

Module 1
Rituals for Self-Care

Get a birds-eye view of the practices we'll use to cultivate holistic wellbeing.

Create rituals for regular self-care and learn simple moment-to-moment practices that cultivate your inherent resources to not only sustain work-life balance, but to thrive.

Module 2

Explore the science of stress and relaxation and the benefits of these practices in our chaotic world.

Learn to feel regulated and safe, and find a sense of peace and presence in your body.

Module 3
Power of Attention

Build your capacity to focus.

Learn to calm your mind, focus your attention, and stay present with what is happening inside you and around you.

Module 4
Cultivating Resilience

Be present with your whole self.

Practice clear steps to notice when you are triggered and how to create space for greater responsiveness and mindful awareness with difficult emotions.

Module 5
Open awareness

Instead of thinking in black or white and right or wrong, learn to use mindfulness to see with greater nuance. Cultivate an open perspective that includes many points of view and let go of fixed beliefs. Embody compassion and strength at the same time.

Module 6

Get an introduction to the basic components of a flourishing life including positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishment.

Module 7
Emotions & Relationships

Learn why positive emotions and close friendships have a significant impact on our resilience and how to cultivate more of both.

Module 8
Passion, Meaning, and Accomplishment

Explore how having a strong passion - for work, a hobby, a cause, etc. - gives us a greater sense of wellbeing in every aspect of life. Learn how to cultivate healthy passion inside or outside of work.

Module 9
Intro to self-compassion

Learn what self-compassion truly is and the practices for developing it. Common misgivings and doubts we have about self-compassion are also addressed.

Module 10
Motivating Myself with Self-Compassion

Become familiar with the Inner Critic, how it may have protected us in the past, and how it can cause more harm than good. Then get to know the Compassionate Voice, which can motivate us with kindness, gentleness, and encouragement.

Module 11
Caring for the caregiver

Address difficult emotions with self-compassion. Use self-compassion to prevent and heal stress and burnout and provide a sense of balance in our daily lives.

Module 12
Core values

Discover your core values and strengthen your motivation as an educator. Practice staying in alignment with your core values while remembering that we are all simply trying to do the best we can amidst the challenges we all face in life.

Meet your expert guides
Karen is Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She co-created the curriculum Making Friends with Yourself: A Mindful Self-Compassion Program for Teens and wrote the The Self-Compassion Workbook for Teens. She has been a mindfulness practitioner for almost 40 years and has 18 years of classroom experience.
Karen Bluth, Ph.D.
Multi-Program Contributor
Alan is Director of Integrative & Co-Curricular Learning at Grace Church School in New York City, where he leads the school’s mindfulness programs for students, teachers, and parents. Alan also serves on the faculty of Mindful Schools, where he is a Lead Teacher and Curriculum Designer for the Mindful Teacher Certification Program.
Alan Brown
MAPs for Educators
Chris is a clinical psychologist and lecturer in psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He is a co-developer of the Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC) program, author of The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion, co-author of The Mindful Self-Compassion Workbook, and (forthcoming) Teaching the Mindful Self-Compassion Program. He teaches and leads workshops internationally on mindfulness and compassion.
Christopher Germer, Ph.D.
MAPs for Educators
Dan is a clinical instructor at New York University, teaching positive psychology and peak performance to almost 1,000 students each year in “The Science of Happiness,” the most popular elective course at NYU. Dan co-authored UThrive: How to Succeed in College (and Life).  Dan works with students, established and high-potential performing artists, athletes and numerous Fortune 500 companies and executives around the world to help them manage stress and anxiety, achieve well-being, and uncover their core strengths.
Dan Lerner
Multi-Program Contributor
Crystal is a yoga and mindfulness educator, speaker, and writer. She has practiced yoga and mindfulness for 20 years and was a middle school teacher for 5 years. Crystal consults for research studies on yoga and mindfulness at CUNY Hunter and serves on the Yoga Alliance Committee for Diversity, Accessibility and Inclusion.
Crystal McCreary
Multi-Program Contributor
Kristin is Associate Professor Human Development and Culture, Educational Psychology Department, University of Texas at Austin. She conducted the first academic studies on self-compassion. Along with Chris Germer, she developed Mindful Self-Compassion, an 8-week program to teach self-compassion skills.
Kristin Neff, Ph.D.
MAPs for Educators
Laura is a certified Mindful Self-Compassion teacher and health and wellness coach. She has taught more than 20 MSC classes to adults with her co-teacher since 2015. She completed the Integrative Health Coach Professional Training at Duke Integrative Medicine and was in private practice for more than five years.
Laura Prochnow Phillips
MAPs for Educators
Daniel is a marriage and family therapist and author of The Way of Mindful Education: Cultivating Well-Being in Teachers and Students and The Mindful Education Workbook. Daniel is one of the global leaders on teaching mindfulness in k-12 classrooms.
Daniel Rechtschaffen, MFT
MAPs for Educators
Alan is a clinical assistant professor at NYU Langone Medical Center and the director of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Outpatient Services at Bellevue Hospital Center. Along with Dan Lerner, Alan teaches “The Science of Happiness” at NYU. In both of his roles, Alan studies how people overcome mental illness and how healthy people develop their strengths. Using the best science that we have, he works to foster behaviors and thoughts that might help prevent mental illness.
Alan Schlechter, M.D.
Multi-Program Contributor

"I found the balance I was looking for and don't have to choose anymore. I'm now able to show up for myself, my family, AND my students."

- Jennifer C. //
Past Participant
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Graduate Level Professional Development Credits are available through our partnership with Courses4Teachers/University of Pacific.